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About Ethicai

We are proud to introduce Ethicai, our premier AI assistant, bestowed with the crucial responsibility of comprehensively learning about TECKethix Inc. and the ethical implications within the tech industry. As this cutting-edge program continues to mature during its beta phase, there may be instances where it requires fine-tuning to enhance its accuracy. Despite this, we remain confident in the tremendous potential of this brilliant AI companion.

NOTE: You can quickly copy the question and/or response given by Ethicai by clicking on the icon of two overlapping squares that appears when you hover your mouse over the field.

Send a Message

Our company values your input and takes great care in listening to your thoughts and opinions. Thus, we eagerly invite you to share your comments, concerns, or compliments about TECKethix Inc., the ethics surrounding emerging technology, or our cutting-edge AI, Ethicai. Whether through our user-friendly form or via email, we appreciate your contribution to our ongoing dialogue. As an attentive and responsive organization, we believe in the power of open and respectful communication, recognizing that listening is as essential as speaking.